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CSS Formatter / Beautifier

CSS Formatter / Beautifier

Format/Beautify instantly your CSS

Beautify CSS Minify CSS Copy Copied Clear

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What is a CSS Formatter?

A CSS Formatter is a digital tool that rearranges and indents CSS code to improve its readability and maintainability.

How Does a CSS Formatter Work?

  1. CSS Input: You input the CSS code, which can be poorly formatted or minified.
  2. Syntax Analysis: The tool analyzes the CSS syntax to identify selectors, properties, and values.
  3. Indentation: The tool adds indentation to the CSS code, typically using spaces or tabs, to visually structure the code.
  4. Whitespace and Formatting: The tool adds appropriate whitespace (spaces and newlines) to separate different parts of the CSS code.
  5. Result Display: The tool displays the formatted CSS code, making it easier to understand and edit.


Consider the following unformatted CSS code:


Using an Online CSS Formatter Tool, the code can be formatted as follows:

body {
  background-color: red;
  color: white;
h1 {
  font-size: 24px;

In this formatted representation, the CSS code is properly organized and structured, enhancing readability and ease of maintenance.

Why Should You Use a CSS Formatter?

  • Improved Readability: Formatted CSS is much easier to read and understand, especially for complex CSS files.
  • Debugging: Formatted CSS helps identify errors and inconsistencies more easily.
  • Collaboration: Formatted CSS improves code collaboration and maintainability.
  • CSS Optimization: Some formatters can also optimize CSS by removing unnecessary code and combining selectors.