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Domain Whois Lookup

Domain Whois Lookup

Lookup who owns a Domain Name

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What is WHOIS ?

WHOIS is a query and response protocol that is widely used for querying databases that store the registered users or assignees of an Internet resource, such as a domain name, an IP address block or an autonomous system.
WHOIS is also the name of the command-line utility on most UNIX systems used to make WHOIS protocol queries.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the organization which regulates domain name registration and ownership.

What is RIPE ?

RIPE is a Database wich contains registration details of IP addresses and AS numbers originally allocated by the RIPE NCC. It shows the organisations that hold the resources, where the allocations were made, and contact details for the networks.

What can a WHOIS/RIPE Lookup be used for ?

  • A WHOIS Lookup is necessary to find out domain name availability
  • A WHOIS/RIPE Lookup is also used to find domain or IP address ownership and contact information.

How can I do an Online WHOIS Lookup ?

  • Open the Online WHOIS Lookup Tool
  • Enter a domain or an IP address in the space provided (Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported)
  • Click on the "Whois Lookup" button
The WHOIS Lookup Tool will then search and find domain or IP address ownership and contact information and gives you the result.

How do I run a WHOIS Lookup in Unix/Linux ?

Most Linux systems include a default, basic WHOIS Client for communicating with the WHOIS Server on port 43, which stores and delivers database content in a human-readable format.
This client is available through the command-line utility: whois
For a domain Lookup: whois [domain] (Ex: whois
For an IPv4 Address Lookup: whois [IPv4Address]
For an IPv6 Address Lookup: whois [IPv6Address]

How do I run a WHOIS Lookup from Windows cmd?

1. Download Whois Program from Microsoft's site
2. You will find whois.exe and whois64.exe under your extracted location
3. Open the command prompt and and navigate to the directory where you extracted the whois.exe
4. Run the following commands for getting a domain name whois info:

For a domain Lookup: whois.exe -v [domain] (Ex: whois.exe -v